Thursday, February 23, 2012

Partridges in the garden!

This little chap (?) appeared in the garden this morning with three others. He is, I think, a Red-legged Partridge - not quite the same as the Grey Partridge we're used to in the UK.  They were a bit shy and cautious so didn't get close enough for a really good picture, but nice to see them anyway - lots of interesting wildlife coming into the garden. Er - do you think the grass needs cutting already?

Monday, February 20, 2012

A little excitement

We've had a hectic couple of weeks since we came home from the UK. The weather was very cold while we were over there, so when we got home we found the water pipes all frozen up and as we thawed them out several leaks showed up, including a couple where the ice had burst out of the side of the pipe like a dagger!
So we've been repairing them with new lengths of pipe and some sealing compound - 'epoxy putty' which is OK for some temporary repairs. We just have one final repair to do to replace a putty repair with a new piece of pipe now but all the water is functioning except the water softener, which had to be bypassed. The engineer is coming out to re-commission it this Wednesday.
However, whilst working on the water pipes the electric lights and power went off in the cellier - the outbuilding where the softener is situated. On testing it turned out that we had live mains voltage on both live and neutral wires so there is a short circuit in one of the linked cables. Unfortunately it's in a section of cable without any access and on doing more tests we discovered that the outbuildings are wired up in a somewhat unsafe manner so we've had to strip out all that wiring and make new connections, most of which is now all done. We just have one part where we have to run completely new cables into a section of the house that we've yet to renovate, so its not urgent but there is no light or heat there until we do.
So it's been a couple of weeks of unplanned work, that's set us back a bit from what we planned to do. However it all has to be done sometime so I guess its still progress of a sort.

We took the day off yesterday - Sunday - and had a day out with friends to St Georges de Didonne and a great lunch in Barzan, nearby. A beautiful sunny and reasonably warm day, and a nice break.

Thursday, February 02, 2012


Gosh - what a long time since we updated this. Must do better!
We've had a busy few weeks (again!) since the last blog, including:

  • A visit to Chateau Thieuley near Bordeaux with our neighbours Joyce & Roger, for a wine tasting and lunch - very nice and we came away with a few boxes of very nice wine.
  • Got an electrician started on the work to bring our house up to modern standards
  • Had some fruit trees delivered from a local pepiniere - 4 apples, 2 pears, 2 apricots 
  • Been to a Christmas carol service at Lorignac. Nine lessons and carols then mince pies and mulled wine in the local bar. Not quite just like home as half the carols' words were in French.
  • Been to the UK for just over two weeks over Christmas and New Year - really great to see everyone if a little exhausting, and the sea crossings were rather bumpy
  • Bought 87 trees in the UK to bring home with us - they have plant passports nowadays! They're mostly seedling size so they went in the car easily enough. Included a new variety of apple - 'Christmas Pippin' - it will be interesting to see how it does here.
  • Went to the village mayor's annual review and got put up to be introduced to the rest of the village - that was a surprise as we had to do a little speech, off the cuff.
  • Planted all the trees and also got and planted a lot of shrubs for round the pool and along the southern boundary. (Didn't hug any of the trees, though!)
  • Been doing a lot of work on our gite / granny flat. It's now habitable in that the bedroom and bathroom are furnished ready to use. The sitting room is ready to furnish and we're well on with fitting the kitchen. 
Next on the agenda is to finish the flat, make some progress with the electrics, and another brief trip back to the UK for Peter's birthday. In the meantime its been quite cold but mostly dry and sunny.