The weather has continued mild into spring, with only a
handful of nights when the temperature has dropped below freezing point all
winter. However, we’ve had much more rain than is usual hereabouts and a few
gales, so we had to drain excess water out of the pool three or four times
through the winter. Temperatures are climbing
now and everything in the garden is springing into life. Buds are breaking and
blossom is out on the trees and shrubs, and our daffodils and narcissi have
been magnificent as usual.
We have to do a little work around the pool to
accommodate a more solid cover we’ve ordered to stop the rain filling it and to
keep out leaves and ash-keys that mess up the chemical balance of the water. We are taking the opportunity to do some
landscaping to that part of the garden to make it look even better. This week we
have a new border at the north end of the pool, partially stocked already with
shrubs and flowers, and we are pushing the hedge back at the south end to
accommodate the cover panels when they’re telescoped. The shrubs from that end
have been migrated around the garden, forming the basis of a new shrub island
at the north west corner.
The weather has been great the last few days and forecast to
continue, so we’ve been out on the garden working mostly, but had a lovely day
off on Sunday when friends in a nearby village invited us for lunch and to take
us to a ‘degustation’ (tasting) at
their local distillery. Every village has a number of them here – as we’re in
the Petite Champagne ‘cru’ for cognac
production. We had a terrific time sampling Monsieur’s enormous stock of
cognacs going back over 50 years, followed after staggering back 100metres to their place, by a super lunch with our friends, and we came home with a bottle of the good
great stuff!
We’re both continuing reasonably healthily despite the
ever-encroaching limitations that age forces upon us, but we’re usually getting
out for a walk several days each week and now that I’m more active again we’re
getting more jobs done around the place, which also helps to keep us fit. Have to pace myself in the garden though; it’s
too easy to overdo things and my back is not improving any more.
We’ve been buying materials for more jobs around the house,
mostly for inside while the weather wasn’t great. We bought a new floor and
fitted wardrobe set for the middle bedroom and have now installed them, and we
bought lots of rock-wool insulation for the loft over the bureau, about a third
of which is now laid. It makes a difference already and should have a
beneficial impact on our electricity bills, though we won't really see the benefit untol next winter.

We have one or two more bookings in the diary for visitors
here; June is nearly full now though there is still plenty of time in all the
other months. Ryanair are changing their
Liverpool – Limoges flight to become Manchester – Limoges from April until
October, which should make things a lot easier for Manchester area visitors.
Limoges is within range for us to pick up guests and when I looked at Ryanair’s
prices last week for the rest of the year they’re following the usual Ryanair
system – very cheap basic flight price and everything optional is extra. Most
of our guests can get away with a free cabin bag as we keep all the usual
toiletries in so you don’t have to bring your own unless you really want to,
and summer here is warm enough not to need heavy things to wear. La Rochelle is
our favourite airport – only half the distance away as Limoges – but most (not
all) flights to there are a bit more expensive than Limoges. The other feasible alternative is Bordeaux,
also much nearer than Limoges but Bordeaux traffic can slow pick-ups and
drop-offs down.
Best wishes everyone.