Monday, January 14, 2013

New Year Update

Gosh, what a long time since we updated this!  A lot has happened, so here’s a summary (though its still a bit long!).

We’ve had a mostly grey and wet autumn and winter so far, with occasional beautiful bright days, but looking on the bright side we’ve had very few sub-zero nights and no snow (so far) and there are some signs of spring in the air as many plants are sprouting.  Rhys pruned the grape vines today.

Although the builders returned later than planned, mid-November instead of October, the house has made significant progress. What used to be the dining room is well on the way to becoming a super kitchen. The base units are in and once a local artisan stone fabricator turns up this week with the new granite work surfaces then the rest of the units can be fitted. The room no longer has a ceiling that looks like it might fall on your head mid-meal!  It also has new patio doors that are twice the width of the old ones so they let in lots of light and give a great view of the garden and pool.

The hallway is now back to being a proper entrance hall and no longer contains granny’s ‘wonderful’ dark blue bathroom.  A local craftsman, Philippe Jolly, is making us a new oak staircase and Rhys has been busy doing the re-wiring with our builders fixing the floor, walls and ceiling.

The salon is starting to take shape and the same local artisan who is doing the kitchen work surfaces is making us a stone fireplace to give the room a focal point and a source of heat as we’ll be installing a wood-burning stove in there. We are busy trying to scrape blue and green paint off the original stone window surrounds; it is a mystery to us what possessed people to put thick layers of gloss paint on the beautiful pale stone.  We need to change the wood burning stove in the other room as well because apparently the type we have there became obsolete and was condemned in 1993! However, according to the stone chap, the fireplace itself is quite modern as it’s only about 100 years old!

We’ve had a number of jobs done outside as well so our hangar, cellier and pigsties no longer flood when it rains, which is a bonus, due to a new concrete floor and proper drains to take any rain to a soakaway. Our half-demolished barn is still only half demolished as we’ve not had the time or the weather to complete it but we’re sure we’ll get there before too long.

We still seem to be of great interest to the locals as cars slow down to take a good look at what is going on (we’re surprised there hasn’t been a accident yet!) and we seem to get local groups of walkers who blatantly stand at the fence pointing out things to each other, but our French is not quite up to challenging them yet.
One of our neighbours, a cousin of the chap from whom we bought the house, told us that it was actually built in 1856. We have no idea how he can be that accurate but it fits with what our stone artisan has told us – he guessed at just before 1860 to 1870 when the phylloxera plague wiped out most French grape vines and destroyed a lot of wealth here.

We still haven't got chickens of our own but the ones from next door are regular visitors and the red squirrels have been very busy in the garden this year, so we’re expecting oak and walnut trees to spring up all over the place as they keep planting nuts and acorns.

Rhys’ mum now lives with us in our apartment; she came out here on November 25th and because she has quite poor health we are much more frequent visitors to the doctors than we have been before so we know lots more about the French health system than we did. So far it’s very good and she’s impressed. Hopefully we won’t have to test it too far ourselves for a while.

The village now benefits from a new boulangerie, where they seem to be very busy with customers coming from many of the surrounding villages, and we hope they'll be successful. The restaurant/bar/café has also re-opened and it also serves as a shop for basic supplies, and we hope these people can make a go of it, unlike the previous 2 proprietors.

We had lots of visitors last year and are hoping for many more this year. We’ve made many new friends here but very much want to maintain our old friendships and have family and friends to visit especially as we’re no longer able to get about as much as we’d like due to Rhys’ mum not being able to be left to fend for herself for long.

We'll try not to leave it so long till the next update.

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